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Halcyon's new Cinch system turns a Halcyon backplate with harness into a comfortable, quick-adjusting all-round tari system. With a plate that is screwed to the backplate, the shoulder straps can be adjusted immediately to any size by pulling them forward slightly. This makes the backplate instantly adaptable to any type of suit without any problems, and it's also very easy to get out of the straps again. The Cinch fits on aluminium or stainless steel backplates.
Scope of delivery:
- Harness
- Adapter plate
- D-ring holder
- Lamp holder
- Bolt extension kit
Instructions are attached or can be found on the Halcyon homepage.
Versions: Normal size and Intermediate
Manufacturer: Halcyon Dive Systems, info@halcyon.net, 1.800.HALCYON (425.2966),
24587 NW 178th Place, High Springs, FL 32643
Halcyon Europe Sp. z o.o.
NIP: 5842843948
M: +48 537-034-480
E: supply.poland@halcyon.net
ul. Wodnika 50, Gdansk, 80-299, POLAND
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