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Backplates & Wings
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Workshop Need
As with most Halcyon products, an immense amount of behind-the-scenes work is required to create a plate that we are proud to sell. Halcyon backplates have been re ned over the years, to provide the highest-quality nish and materials available. Small details, like the unique bends near the bottom of the plate, create an ergonomic curve, increasing diver comfort. Meanwhile, our precise fabrication process ensures the quality you have come to expect from Halcyon. Each Halcyon backplate is cut from the highest quality stainless steel, and sophisticated CNC machines mill every edge. This detailed process eliminates the sharp edges common with competitors’ plates. Machine polishing is augmented by individual handwork, perfecting both form and function.
The extremely popular Halcyon Backplate is available in stainless steel (6lbs/2,7kg) or aluminum (2lbs/0.9kg) and in the size regular or small.
Small can be considered for people that are 1.70m or smaller.
The Backplate comes with a complete harness equipped.
Manufacturer: Halcyon Dive Systems, info@halcyon.net, 1.800.HALCYON (425.2966),
24587 NW 178th Place, High Springs, FL 32643
Halcyon Europe Sp. z o.o.
NIP: 5842843948
M: +48 537-034-480
E: supply.poland@halcyon.net
ul. Wodnika 50, Gdansk, 80-299, POLAND
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