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Incorporating highly advanced thermal technology and one of the most insulating materials ever developed, the HALO A°R's performance exceeds expectations of any diving undersuit.
Using technology originally created for space exploration and cryogenics, the HALO A°R features the extreme insulation material A°RGON™ aerogel in a compression resistant matrix.
With phenomenal insulation properties, this material enables the HALO A°R to achieve extreme thermal protection from a thinner, less buoyant diving undersuit. With a wind and water-repellent stretch outer layer, comfortable thumb loops and foot stirrups, this is a garment which can be worn in total comfort, all day.
Building on fourth element's experience in thermal protection and bodymapping, the HALO A°R was assessed with thermal imaging cameras to improve and modify prototypes.
The offset chest zip and baffles ensure that heat lost from the torso is minimised when in horizontal trim. All the body from shoulders to knees is protected by a layer of A°RGON™, while other critical areas also benefit from this enhanced insulation without compromising mobility or creating bulk.
Routing a valve in this diving undersuit is as simple as adjusting the two-way zipper in the fly and a zippered pocket provides a secure place to store keys, credit cards and cash.
You can find the size chart under attachments
Europe Office
Stockist support: orders@fourthelement.com
Phone: +44 (0)1326 574745
Address: Wodnika 50, Gdansk, 80-299, Poland
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