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Workshop Need
Do you want to explore the underwater world but aren’t sure how comfortable you’ll feel there? With the GUE Scuba Diver course, you can get a first taste of diving.
This course will teach you all the essential skills for a safe and comfortable dive, while keeping your maximum depth to 12 meters (40 feet). Due to your limited experience, you will always dive under the supervision of a professional diver.
The GUE Scuba Diver course could be the perfect first step if you'd like to dive under the supervision of diving professionals.
- Perhaps you’d like to benefit from the added security that professional supervision provides.
- Or you may prefer to gain new experiences in small steps.
- This course is also ideal if, due to time constraints, a full diving course is not possible for you.
- Additionally, the course is recommended for younger individuals, as it limits the depth and ensures adult supervision.
The course will cover (but is not limited to): the basic principles of diving, how the equipment works, and how pressure changes underwater affect the body.
You will learn exciting skills that will give you confidence and safety underwater, helping you manage basic problems that may arise during your dives.
With a GUE Scuba Diver certification, you will be qualified to dive under the supervision of a diving professional to a maximum depth of 12 meters (40 feet).
Prerequisites for Participation in the GUE Scuba Diver Program:
- Minimum age: 12 years
- Physically and mentally fit
- Non-smoker
- Able to swim
- A written doctor’s approval if prescribed medication (other than contraceptives) is used or if there is a medical condition that could pose a risk while diving.
For a full list of course prerequisites, click here:
Scuba Diver Standards
The Scuba Diver course typically takes place over three days and includes:
- At least eight confined water sessions
- Two open water dives
- At least 24 hours of instruction, including lectures, land exercises, and practical water exercises.
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