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Workshop Need

Our goal in Deepstop Sidemount Training is to give divers the opportunity to test and train sidemount in a controlled and safe environment with our instructor Christof Müller.
Course Requirements:
Be at least 16 years old.
Be physically and mentally fit.
Be a non-smoker.
Be able to swim.
Be able to present a certificate of fitness to dive if taking prescription medication (except contraceptives) and/or if health restrictions exist.
Be certified as at least an entry level independent diver by a recognized training organization.
Course Content:
Equipment Workshop:
In the Equipment Workshop we adjust the equipment individually to you and explain how you can adjust it yourself. This ensures that in the future, if you need it, you can repeat it on your own.
Sidemount Theory
Here we will cover topics such as gas management, diving in mixed teams, emergency procedures, kicks, hand signals and general sidemount topics.
Sidemount training in the water
Putting on and taking off the equipment
Trim and kicks in sidemount
Regulator change
Gas sharing with subsequent stowing of long pants
Dealing with deflating regulators
Handling of a self-inflating inflator
Putting on and taking off a bottle under water
Handling of a stage bottle (optional)
Course Cost:
Depending on your diving experience, certain aspects of sidemount diving can be addressed individually. The SDI/TDI course costs 350 p.p. and goes over at least 2 days and at least 2 dives.
Dates will be arranged individually. Theory will be held at the DEEPSTOP dive center in Schwetzingen, afterwards we will go to the surrounding lakes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at christof@deepstop.de.
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