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These XDeep trim pockets can be placed both on the shoulder straps and on the waist strap of your Stealth 2.0 Harness.
It provides enormous opportunities for the trim in the sidemount configuration.
Inside the pockets, we inserted special reinforcement made of highly durable polymer.It makes the solid belt weight fit tightly to the strap. Therefore, nothing is loose and nothing bumps, which could result in significant discomfort.
Important: The xDEEP trim pockets can be used with any sidemount or DIR harness in which 2 inch / 50 mm-wide webbing was applied.
Available in two Sizes:
- M for 1,5 kg each
- L for 3,0 kg each
Hersteller / Manufacturer:
ul. Tenczyńska 6
32-566 Nieporaz
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