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Reference standard: EN 250
Upon request from divers that still prefer a stiffer and a more robust hose than our Xtreme-hi but more flexible than the traditional rubber ones, Miflex developed a new high performance HP hose.
Aimed for the Dive Centres, who use hoses every day with different divers and different configurations, and for divers who perform expeditions where the contact with rocks and wrecks is more frequent, Miflex offers the new Carbon HD high pressure gauge hose, with a larger diameter, electroless nickel plated fittings and viton o-ring.
Color: Dark Grey
Miflex Carbon HD high pressure hoses are approved according to EN250 standard.
Manufacturer / Hersteller:
Miflex 2 S.p.A.,
Strada Prov.le 7 per Lesmo, 4,
20852 Villasanta (MB) ITALY
E-mail: miflex@miflex.com
Miflex 2 S.p.A.
Strada Prov.le 7 per Lesmo, 4
20852 Villasanta (MB) ITALY
E-mail: miflex@miflex.com
Tel: +39.039.2343-1
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