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This line cutter is designed for warm and cold water diving. It serves as a safe, reliable, and easy-to-use tool for all your diving needs.
Knife sheath that will slide onto existing H waist strap webbing
Lightweight, low profile package
Ceramic blade resistant to high temperature, magnetization and oxidation. Ceramic blades will stay sharper fror longer time than stainless steel blades.
Velcro strap to secure the cutter in place
One-handed design for easy removal/replacement
Manufacturer: Halcyon Dive Systems, info@halcyon.net, 1.800.HALCYON (425.2966),
24587 NW 178th Place, High Springs, FL 32643
Halcyon Europe Sp. z o.o.
NIP: 5842843948
M: +48 537-034-480
E: supply.poland@halcyon.net
ul. Wodnika 50, Gdansk, 80-299, POLAND
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