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Smaller, lighter, simpler and better, the new Halcyon Balanced P-Valve. The balancer, which was previously bulky attached to the hose, is now integrated into the valve.
Many divers credit Halcyon’s streamline P-Valve with being among their best equipment purchases. The enhanced comfort and peace of mind redefine one’s diving experience. Whether you are interested in a short, comfortable dive or face log decompression obligations, the Streamline P-valve can provide a new level of diving comfort.
- unique cover allows easy operation even when wearing gloves
- slim design eliminates the need for bulky connections
- the balancing valve is integrated into the solid Delrin body, eliminating the risk of infection from the surrounding water
- the valves have been chosen to create minimal back pressure, which enhances comfort
If you have any questions, please contact esther.troesch@deepstop.de.
Halcyon Europe Sp. z o.o.
NIP: 5842843948
M: +48 537-034-480
E: supply.poland@halcyon.net
ul. Wodnika 50, Gdansk, 80-299, POLAND
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