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The SUEX SINAPSI is a special navigation nose that replaces the standard nose. It has sophisticated electronics that ensure the reception and processing of underwater navigation data collected via the DPV. The SINAPSI project is based on years of research and development, including a large number of tests and trials to optimise the system, which has the most technologically up-to-date and exciting solutions.
The SUEX SINAPSI is available for the XJ-S and XK models.
- Route planning through the smartphone and PC app
- Use GNSS Position - Home Position
- Dead Reckoning
- Route planning "On the fly
- Heading quality display
- Compass calibration and quality storage
- Calibration of mileage and measurement of distance and speed
- and speed
- Exact heading angle
- Data reception
- Wireless system
Hersteller/Manufacturer: SUEX Srl-Via Roma 261/35-31020 Villorba (TV)- Italy +39 0422 444849 amministrazione@suex.it www.suex.it
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