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SUEX Voyager VR
Thanks to the revolutionary Nautilus Concept, the DPVs in this series deliver exceptional stability and maneuverability even in challenging conditions.
The NEW VR SERIES stands out for its unique modularity: with a simple change of battery and nose, users can switch between the NEMO model (entry-level), VOYAGER (designed for air travel), or QUANTUM (the high-performance one). Additionally, the series offers customizable color options to suit every diver’s style, ranging from standard to vibrant tones.
Another key innovation is the integration of the Calypso app, which allows users to adjust acceleration ramps, map the motor in ECO or SPORT mode, and monitor the DPV’s status in real time.
The battery capacity is 355.6 Wh, which gives a running time of around 130 minutes.
Hersteller / Manufacturer:
Suex Srl
Via Roma 261/35
31020 Villorba (TV)
+39 0422444894
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