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Cylinder Service and Pressure test
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We carry out all types of maintenance and Pressure inspections on scuba tanks.
The price for the tank MOT refers to steel and aluminum tanks up to a size of 18 liters.
The price includes the disassembly and assembly of the valve with a new O-ring, filling with air: 54.00€;
For double devices, the disassembly and assembly of the devices costs an additional €25.00!
If the cylinder does not receive an MOT, the same costs will be incurred;
Service order procedure:
If in doubt whether a service or repair is necessary, please contact us in advance by telephone if possible:
+49 (0) 6202 26187, Mon.-Fri. 9-12,.00 hrs;
1. please place an order by ordering this service here in the store;
The price of 0.00€ will be adjusted later;
2. in the text field: "Special features of the order" you can write your wishes and notes!
3. please bring your scuba tanks to the store!
(If possible with a printout of your order)
Tank inspection takes approx. 2-3 weeks, depending on the effort involved;
Store address: Deepstop GmbH, Service, Duisburgerstr.4, 68723 Schwetzingen;
Monday-Friday 9-14.00 o'clock;
4. the invoice amount of 0.00€ for the service will be adjusted to the correct amount after completion of the order;
and you can also call this up in your customer account;
Please pay in the store on collection;
Services cannot be processed by our store system within an offer!
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