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Venture HEAT PRO:
This is the heating vest with infrared technology for universal use when diving!
The vest consists of a flexible T-shirt with heating units on the back to maintain the core body temperature in the water. The vest is powered by 2 small rechargeable batteries on the upper part of the body. Through the small controller connected to a cable on the waistcoat, 3 different levels can be set.
Petatech® pioneered this industry by successfully developing portable power heating products for pets, medical care, underwater and outdoor purposes.
The ThermalTek® has the following features:
- non-metallic properties
- lightweight, durable, safe, stable, high strength, bendable, twistable and washable
- easy power supply from DC and AC voltage
- high heat transfer efficiency with low power consumption
- low electromagnetic interference
- production of therapeutic infrared light
- heating time: 90-120 min
- battery life approx. 500 charging cycles
- maximum water depth of 70m
- for dry suit as well as under the wet suit
Under the semi-dry suit a great alternative to very thick and immobile wetsuits with ice waistcoat.
The vest is offered in sizes S,M, L and XL (see size chart in DOWNLOAD).
Hersteller / Manufacturer:
Rüdiger Kaupp
Schloßstraße 11
73760 Ostfildern
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